


Attention, please: Guano AG sends start-ups to field hospital

Cologne, 10 July 2014 – Start-ups are put to the acid test and receive vitally important capital injections at the Guano event “Medical Entrepreneur Start-up Hospital (MESH)”.

DocCheck Guano AG is working at the forefront, inviting start-ups from all over Europe to the field hospital tents at MESH from 17 to 18 September 2014 in Berlin.

Whether you’re a greenhorn or an old campaigner, any kind of healthcare start-up will get a treatment at MESH. Apart from emergency medical services to treat acute symptoms, intensive care treatment is also provided. Psychological care for the troops is delivered by a team of experienced therapists.

You will not only hear the wood cracking in the fire, but also the bones in the physiotherapy ward. Guano AG’s general staff physicians treat growth disturbances and stenosis in capital vessels as well as pivot-related vertigo. “Guano is looking for start-ups, be it severely wounded or not, that will get a check-up in the field hospital to gain fresh impetus and start networking,” explains Philip Stadtmann, member of the executive board. If you’re interested, put your name on the camp’s distribution list at www.mesh-camp.com– no strings attached!

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Herausgeber: DocCheck Guano AG mit Sitz in Köln.

Namen der Vertretungsberechtigten
Vorstand: Dr. Frank Antwerpes (CEO), Philip Stadtmann

Vogelsanger Str. 66, 50823 Köln
fon: +49 221 92053-200
fax: +49 221 92053-133
home : www.guano.ag


DocCheck AG
Corporate Communications
fon: +49 221-92053-139
fax: +49 221-92053-133
eMail: presse@guano.ag

Helmut Rieger (Vorsitzender), Thilo Kölzer (stellv. Vorsitzender), Tanja Mumme

Aktiengesellschaft mit Sitz in Köln
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Köln HRB 79727
Bildquelle Blaufußtölpel: © David Santiago Garcia / BIOS / OKAPIA

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