


Camp News

Mr. Andy Goldstein and Dr. Hellmut Kirchner slip into the uniform and join M.E.S.H with masses of experience for you.

Mr. Andy Goldstein reinforces the team: As Executive Director of the LMU Entrepreneurship Center he will incubate ideas with you.

Wanna know more?

// teaching position in the Business Faculty at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, Germany and at the University for Film and Television
// serial entrepreneur with 32 years experience in founding, building and accelerating companies
// his incubator at the LMU has spawned over 110 companies in 5 years
leading expert on the European sales and marketing of technology products
// angel investor + regular speaker at the industry’s major conferences

Dr. Hellmut Kirchner brings experience of 35 years in Venture Capital and Private Equity with him.

More facts?

// extensive experience in direct investments of emerging businesses, especially in the biotechnology and life science areas
// member of various advisory- and supervisory boards
// was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz for his pioneering role in German VC and as business angel in 2012
// studied law and business in Munich, Germany and Lausanne, Switzerland
// PhD in law

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