


M.E.S.H Camp 2015: Early bird tickets available now!

Last year, M.E.S.H had its debut and it was a huge success: 150 participants, 20 mentors, 12 start-up pitches, 10 international speakers, and loads of fun.Anyone who’s ever tried to launch a start-up knows how hard it is. It takes all you’ve got to succeed. DocCheck Guano AG together with its sponsors organises a 1.5 day hospital camp event for start-ups in the health sector that will get you in shape. Whether you’re a greenhorn or an old campaigner – any kind of healthcare startup will get a treatment at M.E.S.H 2015.

The M.E.S.H Camp will be set on a small clearing in a forest, just five kilometers from Berlin-Tegel airport. Inside and outside the tents you will receive individual diagnosis and plans to cure your start-up scars and learn about healthcare issues. Network with potential investors and other healthcare start-ups around an open-fire barbecue, take part in team challenges to get to know each other, and enjoy the all-natural atmosphere. Camp beds are provided for all participants.

Start-ups, Investors, Corporates, Consultants – get your early bird tickets now!

We’ll keep you informed!


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Herausgeber: DocCheck Guano AG mit Sitz in Köln.

Namen der Vertretungsberechtigten
Vorstand: Dr. Frank Antwerpes (CEO), Philip Stadtmann

Vogelsanger Str. 66, 50823 Köln
fon: +49 221 92053-200
fax: +49 221 92053-133
home : www.guano.ag


DocCheck AG
Corporate Communications
fon: +49 221-92053-139
fax: +49 221-92053-133
eMail: presse@guano.ag

Helmut Rieger (Vorsitzender), Thilo Kölzer (stellv. Vorsitzender), Tanja Mumme

Aktiengesellschaft mit Sitz in Köln
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Köln HRB 79727
Bildquelle Blaufußtölpel: © David Santiago Garcia / BIOS / OKAPIA

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